Shanghai Yiyuan Network was established in 2019, focusing on mobile game development and agency business.

We focus on the development of healthy cultural mobile games, adhering to the business philosophy of "service first, user first",

Not only gives gamers healthy, leisure and fun mobile game green games,

Moreover, players can experience the fun of the game brought by technology and cultural characteristics in the game, and create a high-quality, green game platform!


Why choose us

1. People-centered

We should look at every partner around us. Pay attention to self-advancement, and also attach importance to the growth of partners, and work together with each of the hard-working people in the fight to create a caring atmosphere.

2. Good at breaking through

Be good at breaking the inherent pattern, don't settle in the status quo, try to establish new rules of the game, open up new boundaries for yourself or the team's career map, and create more value for more users.

3. Value

Taking respect for others as a starting point, giving full play to team strengths, seeking common ground while reserving differences and promoting common growth. With continuous improvement, as a self-requirement, we will always strive for excellence in a continuous iterative manner.

4. Pursuit of the ultimate

Constantly listen to and meet user needs, guide and exceed user needs, win user respect, promote the healthy development of the Internet industry, grow together with partners, and win industry respect.